Facebook has been renown for being the most famous social network for many years already. This social networking site has not only bring people closer together through online chatting, posting latest status, pictures, videos or events but it has also been helpful for some by making them a lot more famous or by entertaining people. Upon scrolling down my what they call the Facebook "News Feed", I accidentally came across a page that's called "
Stunning and Interesting Facts that you didn't know." Out of curiosity, I visited this page and was quite amused by it so I immediately liked it and by that I meant subscribed to it. Some of you may know this page already because of their growing number of subscribers but for the sake of some who does not, let me share to you some of their posts that really stunned me as what their page name says.
Disclaimer: The following pictures and articles below this statement are all taken from the Facebook page "Stunning and Interesting Facts that you didn't know." and are not own by me. All rights reserve to their respective owners and I do not hold any copyright of these.
Stunning and Interesting People that you may not know:
Peng Shulin of China
Peng Shuilin had half of his body amputated after being run over by a truck. But he never gave up! His recovery has amazed surgeons after almost two years undergoing a series of operations. The vice-president of the hospital where this 37-year old Chinese man has been treated said: “He is amazing and the only person in the world to survive having so much of his body amputated.” He’s doing well now and has opened his own bargain supermarket - called the Half Man-Half Price Store. That’s incredible.
We should not Give up Whatever the situations are. If he can everybody can!
2. Blue Man Paul Karason
With his beard and blue skin, Paul Karason looks like a real-life Papa Smurf! After the death of his father 18 years ago, the northwest Washington resident developed a severe case of dermatitis, which causes itchy, reddened skin. Most people would have seen a doctor or bought an over-the-counter remedy, but not our Paul. He developed his own remedy using colloidal silver that he prepared himself using electrolysis (colloidal silver is silver suspended in a liquid, which was distilled water in this case).
In 1999, the FDA banned the medical use of silver because…you guessed it…it can turn people blue! This blue skin discoloration is called argyria and is caused by light reacting with silver, similar to the reaction that occurs in photography. Unfortunately, Paul learned this the hard way. He will also have this blue skin for the rest of his life because the silver collects in the skin and other organs and does not go away! Luckily, apart from his blue skin, he has no other serious side effects caused by the metal, which can be poisonous and cause organ damage in high doses. He only has to deal with his strange appearance in public, which he no longer finds to be a problem.
3. Lina Medina
It have been noted that the claim of a five-year-old girl giving birth is apparently true. Her name was Lina Medina, a Peruvian girl from the Andean village of Ticrapowho made medical history when she gave birth to a boy by caesarean section in May1939 at the age of five years, seven months and 21 days. Lina's parents initially thought their daughter had a large abdominal tumor, but after they took her to a hospital in the town of Pisco physicians confirmed that her abdominal swelling was due to pregnancy. Lina was eventually transferred to a hospital in Lima, where she delivered a six-pound baby boy by Cesarean section on 14 May 1939 (coincidentally the date on which Mother's Day was celebrated that year). Lina's father was temporarily jailed on suspicion of incest, but he was released for a lack of evidence and authorities were never able to determine who fathered Lina's child.
Lina's incredible story was documented in contemporaneous reports by Edmundo
4. HALF HEAD MAN Carlos 'Halfy' Rodriguez
A bad boy who was left with half a head following a dramatic accident has spoken out for the first time - blaming his astonishing appearance on a drink and drugs binge.
Carlos 'Halfy' Rodriguez, who also goes by the name Sosa, lost a large portion of his brain and skull in a crash after flying through his car's windscreen and landing head-first on the road.
Doctors were forced to cut away large amounts of flesh and bone to help him survive and he has since been able to continue his life in Miami, Florida.
According to the German tabloid Bild he had the accident aged 14.
5. Leonid Ivanovich Rogozov and his FAMOUS CASE OF SELF-SURGERY.
In 1961, Leonid Rogozov, 27, was the only surgeon in the Soviet Antarctic Expedition. During the expedition, he felt severe pain in the stomach and had a high fever. Rogozov examined himself and discovered that his appendix was inflamed and could burst at any time. With a local anesthesia, he operated himself to remove the appendix. An engineer and a meteorologist assisted surgery.
6. World's First Pregnant Man: Thomas Beattie (This is my favorite article among all in this category)
Like any new mother, he was keen to lose the babyweight - but few would be quite so worried about getting a six-pack.
Thomas Beatie, a Filipino-Hawaiian had a mastectomy and legally became a man and is the world's first pregnant man - or male mother - has unveiled his new toned figure, just 12 months after giving birth to his third child in three years.
Mr Beatie, who now lives in Arizona with his wife Nancy and their three children, garnered international attention around the world when he became the first legally transgender man to become pregnant.
Now he and his wife have completed the family they always dreamed of, and the 37-year-old appears to have started taking testosterone again, helping him develop his muscular physique.
Stunning and Interesting Medical Conditions that you may not know:
A one-year-old girl has survived surgery to remove her unborn twin’s foetus from her swollen stomach.
Kang Mengru was abandoned at birth and was taken in by a childless couple in Luohe City, in the central Chinese province of Zhenzhou.
Within months, her stomach began to swell and superstitious neighbours began calling the little girl a 'monster' and gossiping that she was pregnant.
Medical scans revealed Kang was actually carrying the parasitic foetus of her unborn twin in her belly.
A doctor told Kang’s worried foster parents: ‘She will die unless she has the surgery immediately.’
After 10 hours of complex surgery to remove the foetus, she returned home after having made a full recovery.
There was a very real risk of cardiac arrest. The pressure within the child's chest and belly was very great but now she is out of danger.
There are a couple of main theories about what causes fetus in fetu. One possibility is that the growth is a sort of dermoid cyst, but the more accepted theory is that the condition is brought on by the very early stage of a twin pregnancy when instead of separating, one fetus becomes trapped inside the other. This creates a situation where the parasitic twin (which does not have a brain or functioning organs and cannot survive on its own) lives off the host twin's blood supply, and if it continues to grow, inevitably causes major problems for the host twin.
Twinkle Dwivedi, now 18 years old has a disorder which means she loses blood through her skin without being cut or scratched. The teenager has had to undergo transfusions after pints of it seeped through her eyes, nose, hairline, neck and the soles of her feet.
The teenager’s condition developed when she was 12 when she suddenly started bleeding between five and 20 times a day. Sometimes her condition is so bad she wakes up with her entire body covered in dried blood.
Villagers near her home in Uttar Pradesh, India, believe she must be cursed and shout cruel things in the street. Her frantic family have sought help from numerous doctors as well as preachers without success.
Medics in India now believe the youngster’s condition is an extreme version of a rare blood platelet disorder for which they cannot find a cure. The doctors at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences in Delhi believe she has Type 2 Platelet Disorder, a condition where blood is dangerously low in clotting particles. They say her blood is watery and has the colour of a light red wine, but they cannot find a treatment to make it thicker.
However, a ray of hope has been offered by a British specialist, who believes Twinkle may have a different clotting disorder, for which treatment will be possible. “She may have Type II von Willebrand disease and she should see a coagulation doctor for treatment,” said Dr Drew Provan, the Haematologist Consultant of Barts Hospital in London. He believes her condition is not related to the number of clotting particles, but something called the von Willebrand factor, which helps platelets stick to blood vessels and blood to clot. However, Twinkle’s family, from Uttar Pradesh in India, do not have the funds for private treatment.
3. GIRL WITH TWO HEADS (This is my favorite among all articles in this category)
Abigail "Abby" Loraine Hensel and Brittany "Britty" Lee Hensel (born March 7, 1990) are dicephalic parapagus twins, meaning that they are conjoined twins of whom each has a separate head, but whose bodies are joined. They are highly symmetric, giving the appearance of having just a single body with little variation from normal proportion. In fact, several vital organs are doubled up, each twin having a separate heart, stomach, spine and spinal cord.
Each twin controls her half of their body, operating one of the arms and one of the legs. This means that as infants, the initial learning of physical processes that required bodily coordination, such as clapping, crawling, and walking required the cooperation of both children. While each is able to eat and write separately and simultaneously, activities such as running and swimming must be coordinated and alternate symmetrically. Other activities as diverse as brushing hair and driving a car require that each twin perform a sequence of quite separate actions that coordinate with the other.
Despite the curiosity that their condition has generated, the Hensel twins have managed to live private lives with relatively little press attention. At the age of 16, they gave an interview on The Learning Channel on December 17, 2006, in which they discussed aspects of their daily lives and plans for the future.
Stunning and Interesting Places that you may not know:
Where two oceans meet... but do not mix
These two bodies of water were merging in the middle of The Gulf of Alaska and there was a foam developing only at their junction. It is a result of the melting glaciers being composed of fresh water and the ocean has a higher percentage of salt causing the two bodies of water to have different densities and therefore makes it more difficult to mix.
2. Antarctica Frozen Wave Pixs - Nature is amazing!
The water froze the instant the wave broke through the ice. That's what it is like in Antarctica where it is the coldest weather in decades. Water freezes the instant it comes in contact with the air. The temperature of the water is already some degrees below freezing.
Just look at how the wave froze in mid-air!!!

This is a picture taken from directly above these camels in the desert at sunset. It is considered to be one of the best pictures of the year. When you look closely, you can see that the camels are the little white lines in the picture.The black images you see are just the shadows! :D
Pool on the 57th floor of Marina Bay Sands Casino In Singapore.
Stunning and Interesting Events that you may not know:
The children in the Fronteras household refer to their dog as "kuya" ("big brother"), and he certainly proved it on the day he sacrificed his life to protect the family.
"Chief", an American Pit Bull Terrier, rescued Liberata la Victoria, 87, and her granddaughter Maria Victoria Fronteras from a deadly cobra which had entered their house through an opening in the kitchen.
Liberata la Victoria and Chief had been watching TV on the sofa when suddenly Chief jumped up and alerted her to the presence of a cobra less than 10 feet away. Maria Victoria rushed in and pulled her grandmother into a separate room, hoping the snake would leave.
But when Maria Victoria later emerged from the room, she was terrified to find the cobra poised about two feet away. Equally startled, the cobra expanded its hood and appeared to be spitting venom as it prepared to strike.
"The snake was in front of us, maneuvering a deadly attack," says Maria Victoria. "I screamed out loud to ask for help." 1
That's when from "out of nowhere", Chief dashed between the cobra and the two women, using himself as a shield against the cobra's attacks. Chief then seized the cobra by the neck and slammed it into the floor, killing it.
But for Chief it was a Pyrrhic victory. In the struggle, he sustained a fatal bite to the jaw, and moments later he began gasping for breath and collapsed.
The family sought the help of a veterinarian, but they were told that nothing could be done. According to the vet, the bite was too close to Chief's brain, and the venom had already spread. Maria Victoria called her husband Marlone who, stunned by the news, rushed home immediately.
Ian de la Rama, a friend of the family, says it was less than 30 minutes from the time Chief had been bitten that he "went wobbly and lost control of his organs," 2 urinating and defecating uncontrollably. Yet he still kept clinging to life.
It wasn't until Marlone arrived that Chief finally let go.
Ian de la Rama describes, "Chief gave his two deep breaths and died. He was fighting and saving his last ounces of breath to see a glimpse of his master for the last two seconds of his life." 1
Ian adds that the last thing Chief did as he gazed up at Marlone was wag his tail.
2. Toblerone Logo Hidden Message
One of our favorite chocolates…yummy!! But trust me I never noticed the brilliant logo while enjoying my bar. You must be thinking what is there to find out as it clearly shows the Swiss Alps? Let me explain…Toblerone originated in Bern, Switzerland. A city whose name is rumored to mean, “City of bears”. When you look at it again you will find a bear in the logo.
3. A man in Thailand Married a dead girlfriend to fulfill his promise of love.
29-year old Sarinya Kamsook and her 28-year-old boyfriend, Chadil Deffy, were to be married this year. Sarinya Kamsook unfortunately died in a car crash, just day before the big event, Deffy decided to go on with their wedding as planned and married her.
Sarinya was involved in a car crash, leaving her severely injured. ...She still could have been saved with timely medical attention. However, the doctors made her wait for 6 hours due to an overcrowded ICU instead of transferring her to another hospital. During this time, she succumbed to her injuries and passed away.
During her funeral in Surin, Thailand, Chadil Duffy placed a ring on his deceased bride’s finger. It thus turned out a wedding/funeral ceremony, one of the rare events in the world.
Were you stunned by these articles? We live in an enormous world and things like these would possibly happen. So I will end this entry by stating this famous motto: "With God, anything is possible".